Chocolate and Me

Image created at

My very own cartoon!

My very own cartoon!
I created this (well the words anyway - not the pics) at

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thing 23

Reflect on my learning journey and post a few thoughts about my journey through this programme? I have absolutely thoroughly enjoyed it and I am sorry that it is at an end...but as ACL Learning 2.0 says "Is this really the end? Or just the beginning?" I think it IS the is the start of my learning journey with all things web 2.0....there are so many things I want to go back and explore in more depth now that I know of their existence. I think this programme is brilliant...I enjoyed being able to do things at my own pace, work things out myself and create this blog...a few weeks ago I had no idea that all of this web 2.0 technology existed...I had heard of podcasts and had no idea what they were (and neither did my kids so I was able to teach them something new :), I'd heard of Flickr because my cousin had sent me an invite to look at photos they posted on a trip to America, but I had no idea about how to add photos myself etc...I didn't know that Wikipedia was a wiki and what exactly a wiki was (although I knew that anyone could edit Wikipedia)...never heard of Technorati or Rollyo or Bloglines or Zoho I knew bits and pieces...but really rather an ignoramus :-) Now I still know bits and pieces...I doubt that I could call myself an expert on web 2.0 technology...but I am a lot more educated and I am pretty confident helping others use this many many thanks to Elgar and Learning's been a great journey, very worthwhile...AND it's been a LOT of FUN :-)...and I am looking forward to the next such-like course..


Queenie said...

Congratulations!...being the first to complete the ACL Learning Web2 at Blockhouse Library.

Unknown said...

Congratulations from the ACL learning admin team, we have enjoyed reading your progress through the programme and its great to see that you have been able to show your kids at home. Well done and your MP3 player will be on its way to you later this week.