Chocolate and Me

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My very own cartoon!

My very own cartoon!
I created this (well the words anyway - not the pics) at

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Week 5/Library Thing

I love it! For a self-confessed book hoarder like me, the LibraryThing catalogue is gonna be absolutely fantastic! I have thought about cataloguing my books quite a few times over the years but...well...the thought was too daunting :-) This is such a quick easy way to catalogue that I will be using it. I found it interesting that some of the entries came up with book covers and others didn't, and I also found the manual adding of books very easy and straightforward as well. And there is a lot of interesting-looking library stuff that I will be delving into later. I like the idea that LibraryThing can "analyse your entire catalog and come up with 100 or so books you might want to check out." That's your very own personalised Reader's Advisory service :-) And I like the sort of tongue-in-cheek Unsuggester which will "give you humorous recommendations of books you probably wouldn't enjoy."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the unsuggester too ;) Good work with librarything.